Inova award

Walk Score – L’Avenue is located in a “Walkers’ Paradise”

Walk Score – L’Avenue is located in a “Walkers’ Paradise”

What is Walk Score?

Walk Score is a private company that provides walkability and transit evaluation services through their website and mobile apps. The free service acts as a tool for assessing how easy it is for the residents of a given location to accomplish their daily errands on foot, without the need for a car. The tool measures and rates the 'walkability' of a specific address, awarding points to that location based on its distance from the nearest services and amenities in the area.

These services and amenities are classified into several different categories, such as restaurants, schools, parks, grocery stores, cultural and entertainment venues, shopping destinations, and health services, among others. Each category is evaluated and the points are compiled to obtain a score on 100. If the closest amenity in a category is within 0.4 km, the location receives the maximum number of points. The number of points is incrementally reduced as the distance approaches 1.6 km, and no points are awarded for amenities further than 1.6 km.

  • If the Walk Score for a particular address falls between 90 and 100 , the location is considered a “Walkers' Paradise", where all the services and amenities can be easily reached on foot.
  • A score between 70 and 90 indicates that the 'walkability' of the area is very good and it is possible to do without a car;
  • Between 50 – 70: It is possible to access some services on foot, but the remainder will require the use of a car or public transportation;
  • Between 25 – 50: Few places are within walking distance. For most errands, it will be necessary to use a car or public transportation;
  • Between 0 – 25: Virtually no services or amenities are accessible on foot.

What is the Walk Score for the L'Avenue condominium project?

Located directly across from the Bell Centre, in the heart of downtown Montreal, L'Avenue benefits from an impressive Walk Score of 98 . In other words, L'Avenue's location is a “Walkers' Paradise" and daily errands and activities do not require a car.

As this new residential project is located in the downtown core, it is no surprise that owners of a L'Avenue condominium will easily be able to access a multitude of practical services and amenities on foot, including restaurants, cultural and entertainment venues, and shopping destinations.

L'Avenue is also close to green spaces and parks, including Place du Canada and Dorchester Square. Furthermore, the plans for the revitalization of the Quartier des Gares borough, L'Avenue's neighbourhood, include the creation of a new expansive green space – the future Ville-Marie Park. This revitalization project also aims to improve the pedestrian experience by widening sidewalks, redesigning intersections, planting more trees and greenery, and upgrading the urban furniture.

As for access to fresh produce and groceries; residents of a condo at L'Avenue will not even have to leave their building. A full-service grocery store, Provigo Le Marché, will be located within the commercial podium of the project. The Walk Score for L'Avenue condos will likely rate a perfect 100 once the Provigo Le Marché has moved in.

Public Transportation: A perfect score for L'Avenue

The Walk Score evaluation service also provides a rating for access to public transportation. L'Avenue condominiums is located within very close proximity to three train stations (Lucien L'Allier station, Central Station, and the Terminus Centre-Ville) and two Metro stations (Lucien L'Allier and Bonaventure) as well as a number of bus lines. It is no surprise therefore that L'Avenue's Transit Score rates a perfect score of 100 , meaning the site is considered a “Riders' Paradise" and offers residents immediate access to a world-class public transportation system.

For more information about Walk Score and details about the scores for the L'Avenue condominium project, you can visit the Walk Score website and enter L'Avenue's address: 1275 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal.


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